Are you considering using human resource staffing for your company? You may have read much on the advantages of using such an arrangement, and how it can help you save time and money. When compared to the alternative, it certainly seems to be a profitable idea. However, you may ask are there any disadvantages to HR staffing?
There may be some negative associations with a "temp" worker in the workplace. These are considered expendable employees and these workers' jobs usually consist of mundane office assignments. However, there is a major difference between an ordinary staffing agency and a professional HR staffing company.
A professional human resource staffing company places hr professionals in short-term and long-term assignments. The HR staffing company also tends to have access to a higher caliber of employee. It hires skilled and experienced professionals in such areas as: Interim sales trainer, interim r & d recruiter, interim logistics recruiter, interim 401k analyst, interim benefits administrator, interim HRIS analysis, interim recruiting coordinator, interim compensation analyst, interim PeopleSoft, interim vice president of HR, interim clinical recruiter, interim change management specialist, interim accounting recruiter, interim generalist, and interim director of staffing.
These HR professionals are trained in niche areas. They know precisely what they are doing and what their assignments are the first day of starting work. In a way, you are paying for professional consultants, and not just temporary employees.
Secondly, human resource staffing firms tend to have more generous packages for their employees. Employees receive vacation pay, 401 K plans, sick or personal days, and have very flexible scheduling on a week to week basis. The client company never pays for these extra expenses; it is all handled by the HR staffing firm. Not all ordinary staffing agencies have these provisions.
Just how reliable are human resource staffing professionals? The average interim HR professional possesses 5-20 years of corporate and HR professional experience. Niche experts have hands-on training and are eligible and ready for work in their geographical area. These are consultant-level workers, some of which are looking for a permanent job, and some of which are supplementing their income. Indeed, when you work with human resource staffing workers you may be very well working with tomorrow's mega-rich entrepreneur.
The best feature of human resource staffing is that the duration of the assignment depends entirely upon you. You can minimize your liability and forgo long-term contract assignments that you can't afford.
In this age of unstable economic pressure, you need to think about your short-term and long-term needs. Human resource staffing allows you to work with your short-term needs and have the option of long-term contracts in the future. This is a business model that can grow with your company rather than take a huge chunk out of your expenses.
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