Monday, June 1, 2009

Product Review: Ramco HCM

I had the recent pleasure it long of with the analyst (TECHNICAL) similar of searchs for centers of evaluation of technology that Leslie Satenstein-with rest inside on a briefing of product and a session of certification with Steven Goldberg (chief of practice as regards VP, HCM for Ramco Systems Corporation). The product was a human solution of the management of the capital (HCM) which includes the book of basic pay, the personnel, the planning of labour, the management of the services, and the integrated management of talent. Ramco HCM belongs to a complete continuation of the products which fall under series 4.1 from the company from Ramco.

I was impressed considerably of this product and I would like to share my impressions with you.

But initially. a little basic about Ramco Systems Corporation

Ramco Systems Corporation (part of group of Ramco) was founded in 1989 and provides the software and the services of company to more than 450 customers in 35 countries. Its head offices are located in Chennai (India).

In much of country, Ramco partners with the local companies to support its products. In other places, the companies are completely had by Ramco. HCM is only one of a family of the products and services which offers of Ramco. The services include the transformation of businesses, the consultation, the solutions of the planning of entrepreneurial resource (ERP), and the software like service (SaaS). During the last year, Ramco showed the positive growth with the recorded incomes of $50 million (of USD).

Landscape of today of HCM

Several of the exits of the human resources (hour) with which the companies face today are the common points of interest for suppliers of hour (and relative software). In oneself, software is conceived to approach these exits while helping of the organizations to control correctly

* new recruitment of talent;
* advance of productivity of the employees;
* labour or planning and modeling of succession; and
* retirements of baby boomer.

While the goal of Ramco is similar, there is an additional device that the majority of the suppliers of solution of hour just start to make a success of a handle: analytics. The practice as regards the HCM of Ramco, while relatively news, approaches of old challenges, including the analytics, while concentrating on the strategic questions of management of labour which up to now were not well constant with technology or the analytics in the space of HCM. For example, the solution of the HCM of Ramco provides the single platforms of technology and analytics and the predictive tools which help with the conservation of the personnel and the productivity

Together, these possibilities provide the capacity so that the organizations have the right data and tools at the good moment.

In an exchange of email, Goldberg explained that

Ramco 'toolkit of planning of labour of S (also known under the name of interventions of HCM) is a very new concept of solution of hour implying the analytics predictive and modelling within the framework of the very practical executives of decision-making aid of hour. These solutions of technology of data are aimed controlling play-changing events of labour and the exits such as the baby boomer leave the reduction planning and risk, fusions of hour and acquisition (planning of M&A) and decision-making aid, top-evaluation, consolidations and reduction of labour, and other reorganizations of labour.

A glance with elevated level following solution of Ramco HCM

Ramco includes/understands the need for tackling the important matters such as the planning of succession and labour, and the proactive management of talent (hour, M&As, and left baby boomer). In oneself, the approach of Ramco is a continuation of solution of company which is conceived in function needs for its customers, where the users can install only the modules which they need, and omits those that they do not have need. According to the country, some of these modules are essential, whereas others are elective, as the book of pay, the toolkit of planning of labour (interventions of HCM), managements of the services to the current, and the integrated continuation of management of talent.

Co creating, while adapting, or by providing the existing solutions which are established for the change and the innovation, Ramco HCM addresses the whole life cycle of the employees. Thus, rather than redeploying a system of company as organization reacts to the changes of standardization, initiatives of corporation, and the conditions of market, the fundamental platform of Ramco can help the power of businesses their existing models process of businesses to compose quickly of new economic models. And they quickly provide these new possibilities with practically any rupture to IT infrastructure.

VirtualWorks: Key with the delivery

Some of the principal diff�rentiateurs of the HCM of Ramco and its innovating matter practice of HCM are by its single platforms of technology and analytics which allows Co-creation and integration rapids of the solutions strongly concerned and strategic of HCM.

I will employ the following analogy to give you a better idea how VirtualWorks functions. When you want to use a microwawe oven, you know that it will have a common door, timer, and some other devices. You should not assemble the microwave of the parts; you just must buy one and learn how to employ it. You can improve your microwave with another model in a few years, and should not relearn to you how to employ it. The microwave is a module with the known functionality.

This same concept is prolonged with the careful design of the modules of programming; they are modules which you can connect at a base. In the case of Ramco HCM, this base are VirtualWorks. The concept of module, known under the name of orientated architecture towards services (SOA), has a property in which the module is a constitutive block, that you can include or not. The using concept of the applications of the modules of SOA is one to obtain which the majority of the suppliers of ERP test today. Ramco, with their platform of VirtualWorks, applied SOA.

With the platform of Ramco VirtualWorks, the implementation code can be established or assembled starting from the components very quickly. VirtualWorks has a deposit more of 1.000 components of solution and an engine of generation of code. So that this combination translated is that one can indicate yes or not to the inclusion of the module. The application of HCM with the selected modules is a process easily established and flexible of businesses concentrated on delivering the analytics to elevated level.

The practice as regards the HCM of Ramco is always relatively new, after being formally launched like practice in spring of 2008. Its Co-cr�ation/de powers setting-up solutioning model its platform (which is established for the rapid and the constant change) and is radically different from a solution available immediately. In oneself, the potential difficulties could arise so you-like customer-decided to move your data at another platform of reception. Would this platform provide the same reliable and rich functionality?

TECHNIQUE certifies the product of the HCM of Ramco

TECHNICAL methodology

For each sector of choice of software of company which we treat, TECHNIQUE created a request for information questionnaire (IFR). Our hour IFR was worked to reflect the possibilities of product of HCM. These particular IFR were achieved per many suppliers of the products of HCM. For each IFR which a supplier answers, we collect information and let us charge them in a database. This data-gathering is used then as population with the statistical analysis.

By the gathering of such data, we can see statistically when a functionality or a criterion industry-generally constant, is supported by personalization, is supported via the modification, or supported by a third supplier or associated. These data of comparison become a reference mark by report/ratio to which we can measure the answers of the suppliers compared with their competitors. Whenever the general answer of industry is different from that of the guarantor (the supplier), the assistance system with the TECHNICAL decision (SAD) mark the answer.

Answers of Ramco

Ramco returned its IFR carried out for HCM, answering with the almost total support against all the criteria. As a TECHNICAL analyst of research, I then compared the IFR against the combined answers of other suppliers in the space of hour (the reference mark).

In a general way, certification with Ramco went very well. There was not an aspect of HCM which they did not know or did not show with us by their solution. Each article which was marked which was noted as �constant� the test of certification passed by the demonstration of product.

During certification, we validated more than 200 criteria and functionalities. Here part of accentuate-with-top of and above what was discussed previously in that article-that we felt the solution of the HCM of Ramco makes shine:

Presentation and glance

Possibilities and functionality

Altogether, this demonstration of product provided a great experiment of user, so much so that my colleague and me wanted to see more. Unfortunately, time did not leave.

In a word: How the HCM of Ramco pile up does upwards against some of its competitors?

According to Goldberg, some of the principal competitors of Ramco include SAP, Oracle, final software, Lawson, META4, and ADP.

Based on the furnished information by the suppliers above by their finished hour IFR, the matches Lawson de Ramco in the total execution, second narrow follows to Oracle, and leaves in front of its other competitors, based on the same standards of estimate.

The table below is drawn up by adding the points allotted for the criteria with the answer of each supplier against a possible total of 100. The summary masks major details of the forces and weaknesses of product. Thus, in a lower sector which can not be important for you, a weakness can decrease all the points for moreover high level. Each line represents the quantity of functionality and the level of the support recorded in the TECHNICAL base of knowledge of hour. That the base of knowledge includes the staff management, the advantages, the book of pay, the management of labour, the formation, and the technology of product.


While there is abundance of the products on the market to address the needs for the hour changing for today arrange in park, the HCM of Ramco breathes the fresh air in this space with a solution which is established for the change.

All this to say that the HCM of Ramco is a product which we will be following very narrowly during the next years.

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