The part two of the thousand Shalt of series control the human capital better.
In the 2000s early, with the economy in a reduction, the administration of hour provided a certain value of organization by externalisant a growing number of process of businesses of hour, or completely or in the partition in much of case, externalisant with some the suppliers of confidence of technology who already showed their expertise of field of hour can help of the companies to carry out additional effectiveness and the functionality, to reduce the principal account, and to reduce costs.
Many solutions in the kingdom of hour, most mainly externalized were treatment of book of pay, programmes of assistance of the employees, classification of tax on the wages, and sifting basic. The most attractive advantages and most realizable of the provisioning outside are shaped operations, access to improve of the possibilities of hour and the expertise of industry (when it is not a competence of core of the company of user), releasing to the top of the internal personnel, of precise and the reduced foreseeable monthly cost and costs of labor.
However, the returns of the dismissals (often undertaken without much thought to which should really go, potentially having for result the precipitated release of the keys of axle of the company of the 'continuous execution of S) and of the reduction of the costs relentless proved to have only (if not a limited effect of negative). While some organizations tried to reduce costs of labor to be competing on their markets, the most progressive companies embraced their labour and employed them as a strategic differentiator.
While the products and technologies become commoditized in this economy containing information, the companies start to realize that the best manner of being different and of creating strategic advantages of long run compared to their competitors could be by their people. Is not any more it what one has only the accounts, but rather what one knows, which is particularly critical in information (IT) and similar organization technology of professional services (PSOs), because it is the technical expertise and the experiment of the quite informed personnel which wants to say the difference between success and the failure.
In fact, according to the search of Forrester, more for 85 percent of the commercial value of a typical standard and the poor 's (company of S&P) 500 is the result of the intangible goods today. For much of companies, the part of these intangible goods is their people (or human capital), and such companies do not spend less two-third of their overall costs on work. Thus, they should concentrate on processes of businesses, using technology with control indeed of the employees and improve their productivity. Combining the formation, encouraging management, and the management tools of the services delivered by an instrument panel role-based, the nobody-power station category incipient from software aims at transforming each one individual in the labour into capital of company.
Good-of-multiply technologies of hour
More the progressive one of the companies had employed good-of-multiply technologies of hour to attract, engage, train, motivate, and control their people. The applications of software become more and more sophisticated to help of the companies with these tasks, and while these solutions continue to evolve/move and communicate between them, the companies of user will have an access more without seam to the methods and the data to control their employees in all the life cycle of the employees.
On the one hand, the lazy companies which do not embrace these technologies will fall probably behind to their research for predominance from the market. For example, by applying a process holistic of management of the output of the employees through the company, the strategy of corporation can be aligned (and be correctly communicated) with various goals and goals, by which the real execution against these goals can have ramifications for different the compensation and rewards. This should lead the behavior and the attitude towards being carried out on the strategy of corporation, with the satisfaction of the employees and consequently improved fidelity.
This comes certainly in handy when the deceleration of the economic activity finishes, when the employees start to estimate that they have more choice of employment. The companies will have need, believable still clearly, and the strategic strategies and management worthy of confidence of approvisonnement in order to envisaging for and to engage competences (people and companies) had to achieve their sales strategy (by establishing the necessary effectiveness and by increasing the effectiveness). For example, with the improvement of the economy and IT saves the increase, competes with so that It talent-private individual in principal competence sector-is dependent to intensify. At the same time, a situation of hiring improved in IT will most probably mean higher turnover, as many unhappy HE them writers who saw than increase in workloads while the compensation and the advantages stagnated (during the deceleration of the economic activity of the 2000s early) will on top make much more pressure management.
Consequently, there is a true need for integration much tighter between the management of the output and the compensation (independently of the economic circle), so that exemplary employees can be more often rewarded (and of feeling special really to the company), in opposition to the obsolete one, cover-regulated, the general annual base (which produces the mediocrity typically).
The analysis of the labour and strategically the management of the company of the 'human capital of S became the center of the management systems of human resources (HRMS), as manner of transforming the latter of the matt functions to those which affect the execution of corporation considerably. Warehouse Information integrated of businesses, for this purpose, allow the multidimensional analysis on the aggregate information of intern and the external resources (investigation of wages, for example), the indicators of execution (as in the turnover), and the sights on strategic information of hour with powerful drill-towards bottom of the devices. Some outlines indicate that almost a third of the companies uses already warehouses of data, a quarter of them employ the management of the output or the analytics of labour, and a eighth of them employ the planning of labour.
The analytics of labour became a core of the management systems of talent. It is because they do not concentrate simply on time (or which pointed and which does not have), but also on strategic questions of businesses such as overtime and tendencies of turnover which carry out businesses a 'benefit result, offers employment equalizes (EEO) S or tendencies of hiring membership-based, models of compensation, effectiveness of recruitment and costs of approvisonnement relative, cost by hiring, etc.
Management of the human capital
This brings us to the notion of the management of the human capital (HCM), or the management of talent, that Gartner defines while a practical whole of hour this hearth on acquisition, management, and the optimization of the labour of company. These practices include processes such as competence and the qualifications management, the planning of succession, and the management of team. The principal principle of HCM is that the companies must change the mentality of the employees of viewing like administrative cost, and sees them in the place like strategic investment and principal capital of company, with a hearth while resulting on possibilities from alignment from labour with the sales strategy. This strategic sight of the labour will become gradually less one function of hour and more one discipline of management.
HCM should be about value and not cost, since people should be regarded as value-adders, and not of overheads and responsibility. It should rather measure the exits of organization (such as the benefit, the income, and the availability ratios) related to a better management of the people than concentrating over measurements of entry (such as costs of recruitment) and the hour �the practices� of the days earlier.
According to studies by the institute of Brookings, with beginning of the year 80, the material values rose with more than 60 percent of companies 'the total capital. This report/ratio was now reversed, with more than 80 percent of capital being intangible, the majority of which is represented by the human capital. However, whereas the decades were investment spent in technologies of automation for a better use of the material values, very recently have the companies started to invest by optimizing the human capital.
Moreover, much from process of the businesses not-HOUR can draw benefit from the strategies of the admission of the funds of third HCM, such as processes of the management of wallet of project (page per minute) (see the management of wallet of project for organizations of maltreatment: Establishing bond between the management of the projects and the executions), which can be improved via the data of incorporation of competence and qualifications and by increasing the possibilities of management of team of the applications of HCM. The similar examples of the processes of businesses which should draw benefit �to select the brains of HCM� include the production planning, the calculation of the labor costs, the establishment of the program, the formation, conformity, budgeting, and the service of field. In fact, any process nobody-exchange of businesses should draw benefit from integration with HCM, while the traditional administrative applications and the processes of hour will support hardly this integration of the whole.
This leads us to a broader notion of the management of report/ratio of employees (MTC), the management of the business-with-employee (B2E), or that which it Three Letter Acronym (TLA) of the day could be (see the management of life cycle of BLM-Word to the mode). In any case, these acronyms try to depict a discipline of businesses which concentrates on optimizing the employee 'use of S all the experiment included/understood there the aspects of human and of technology of this experiment.
The MTC embraces a sight supplements and unified processes and technologies which support the labour and their work place, including interactions of director-employee, the formal tasks of businesses required to control reports/ratios of the employees, and technology employed to control the experiment of the employees. For this purpose, the MTC surrounds the full continuation of the services of B2E required by employees, directors, and others, including the training, knowledge management on Internet, services, community and collaboration support, voyage and expenditure (management of T&E), indirect supply, and so on. Thus, the MTC most narrowly is aligned with the sector of hearth of HCM of the management of labour.
While traditional the hour and the management of book of pay can not seem to provide a significant competitive advantage in the same respect that incipient technologies mentioned above make, some systems of MTC, like Extensity or Apptricity, to help to reduce the cost, to simplify the administration, and to support a report/ratio more connected of company-employee. Which customer the solutions of the management of report/ratio (CRM) make for the intimacy of customer, today of the 'packages of S MTC (filled of the self-service of the employees and the functions of self-service of director) make for the employee intimacy-provide all the interested parts (frameworks, directors, employees, government, and so on) in immediate access to a great selection of essential information.
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