Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Innovation and Change in Human Resources An interview with Paul Rosillón and Eladio Uribe of the Interamerican Federation of Human Resource Management

Veronica Inoue: Which is [Federaci�n Interamericana de Asociaciones De Gesti�n Humana] perspective of FIDAGH 'of S on human resources [hour] in the Latin-American countries?

Paul Rosill�n: We must look at it various points of view. Initially, I think that the Latin America undergoes a process of change and transformation-like is this geographical whole particular area of the world but is where we test the majority of the changes.

On the one hand, most of the changes which we are coating in Latin America are related to the needs for the individuals and the spheres so that people act in the social one, policies, and economic.

Thirdly, and considering the world of management and the organizations, into 20 last years, the matter of the management of people changed clearly. It was a paradoxical change, because people were always the most important factor. However, from an administrative point of view of science, the individuals are a different subject now because they are controlled differently and they are considered an economic factor. Queest this which I want to say by this? When knowledge and the innovation become critical, people will be a resource with being the owners and the capital. And it is in way or other what carries out sciences managers to concentrate more on intangible things and to make with control the fundamental matter again.

Another material change occurs, and it is that the management of people is not any more part of functional management of hour; it now relates to the whole process of management. Consequently us, like professionals of management, had to understand that our roles are different-that we are also facilitating, of the internal advisers, the trainers, or the internal personnel managers. In this direction, we can say that the great changes take place.

Personally, I think that there are two different levels: the organizations understand that people are very important, but the professionals in this sector do not progress at the same rate/rhythm. A lack of connectivity exists within the framework of the formation of the administrative programs. Take, for example, [Master of management] a MBA or a similar higher university program; the attention with the management of people is minimal. Marketing and finances are always the more prestigious subjects.

To examine this idea, we undergo the change and the transformation, but we have always much way to make. We miss clearness, and us asylum 't which been able to develop to connect itself moves [which will bind the formation the administrative programs unit]. We could say that we know what we want to cease making, but we put 't always soaps to take new measures. Even the manner our work of federation reflects that since 2001, we had tested a process of reorganization. Today, we achieved the first phase, but we must begin the stage two.

FIDAGH: The lever and the engine in the arena of the management of people

VI: How FIDAGH seeking a manner will it do this?

Eladio Uribe: We with FIDAGH think of ourselves like lever, but we want to also be the engine behind the process of transformation which the Latin America must test.

In Latin America, we all speak the same thing language-in general-but there are many differences in education, the criteria, the policy, the strategic vision, and the direction. The field of the hour in this area of the world saw this discussion, which is also reflected in our federation. While we wonder, �what makes FIDAGH made for me?� others, �where should we ask go from here? What should make us with the people of hour and the people in other organizations and country?�

I want to clarify here that the main theme is not the people of hour; the principal problem is our countries, our communities. The people in hour worked hard to help our communities to overcome poverty.

We must still understand that we must accept people of Argentina, of Guatemala, of Mexico, of Uruguay, etc as equalize-like Latin - Americans - instead of that of like Argentineans, Mexicains, etc But the crossing of the inequalities is very difficult for us. We are convinced that we will be able to make it because we have a great source of motivation, and this source is so much there these people who do not function in hour had pushed these professionals to make a modification, is not any other option.

VI: Today, which are the key zones for the time being in Latin America? What of other sectors do they have to be reinforced?

EU: An agreement must be concluded between the people from the hour and the employers on a side, and the state of the other, if we want to improve of the systems of education. One of the largest face of people of hour of exits is the process of hiring, the challenge to introduce �new blood� into the organization-people who are able, qualified, and prepare to take up the challenges that an organization brings. It is the largest obstacle which they must surmount.

The other challenge is diversity. We must still learn how to accept and to believe that should diversity-be believed the person who comes from Asia, of the USA, or any other country in America can contribute an important share, can be useful for our execution.

I think that these two factors are fundamental: educational development and acceptance of diversity.

P.R. : There are two exits. The first is responsibility [CSR]. While it is a common matter, us asylum 't started to control it and advance with him. Nobody expects that the organizations go well to philanthropists, but they must play a part in the company, and it is a paradigmatic change which is still moving.

The other exit is the manner that the companies are division of work organized it according to tasks and descriptions of the positions and roles in the organization. It is a model which is in the crisis, and although this becomes less and less communal ground, we are still not certain of what will be the new tendency. He 's noneasy to change a paradigm which was the standard during almost 100 years, and which is taught at the universities and is reinforced everywhere. I think that it is a splendid occasion for us, like professionals of hour, to contribute and make a modification. The problem is that we were informed with the same old men paradigms, thus the abandonment of these concepts like obtaining is stripped

EU: She also means to break another important paradigm: believer that only our organization can solve its internal problems with the personnel, management, or the processes, without taking into account what occurs around the world.

Moreover, my actions as hour must be class action suits. Instead of aiming only my company, these actions must produce change in the community and of my daily environment. This will enable me to have the able individuals in my organization which will help to realize strategic, sales, and other goals.

VI: How 15 associations of member go do of FIDAGH taking part in and of engagement in these objectives?

P.R. : As I said before, since 2001, we questioned ourselves and recognition this we must change the manner that we think and see things.

We are halfway by the process. them two the federation and association-to have passing it by this process since 2001. The next week [referring to May 14, 2007] we will hold our 20th conference, our board meeting, and our meeting of management, where we will change our approach. We are convinced that our current approach does not function, thus we must take a different direction. We put 't soaps exactly what will be this direction, but we will say, of the �Sirs, we must admit that we must change. We must find means of evaluating the changes which we will apply, and how we will work together in the future.�

Now, because Eladio indicated, we have diversity, and we feel the pressure of each association and each country. But each one of them is different. Consequently, this diversity forces us to modify our ideas of the need for change. During this process, we had to admit that we are not the same ones and that we put the 'experiment of T the same pressures. We understand that the subject of the people is important and that we must do something about it, but we have various sweeping forces. FIDAGH is responsible to harmonize all these approaches.

EU: Moreover, our goal is collective which comprises management and integration. Consequently, from this point of view, we do not want to exclude does not import which-on the opposite; we must insist on the fact that people come and learn. But we realize that there are various levels of the study and that we must work to unify them. That the 'task difficult of SA, but functions us on top.

Information technology: Drive of the innovation

VI: Do you think that new technologies of information lead the innovation and the changes of the organizations?

P.R. : We learned much from this subject. We learned that IT is not a source of innovation, but which it facilitates and increases considerably the potential for the innovation.

We learned how to assign at a place with the role of the plays of this technology in the innovation. But which Horacio Cortese and Ricardo Perret said to [the human conference of management] is crucial: if I put 't have a work environment in which I establish confidence or creates the emotive conditions of which will make it possible people to think differently, take risks, make their the best, models of challenge, etc, then independently of how much IT I can have, it gained 't is enough. Although HIM and the human factor comes together, there is no question that this last will be always most important.

EU: Let employ an analogy to me: comfort is important, but him 's also important to strike a balance between work and the recreation. Nobody questions that. However, the Latin-American ones in general and of the people of hour must try to put the comfort on side at this time, [and with hearth on current work].

It is one moment for the study, energy, engagement, and it force-definite step for comfort. We must work hard maintaining to obtain the desired results; then we will be able to rest. What I want to say is that it is one moment transcendantal for those implied in human management; we approach an extraordinary challenge, and if we put the 'catch of T this occasion, we will remain behind. And those which remain behind in human management could disappear.

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