Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Software Selection for Organizations: Are We Becoming Too Web-biased?

The software is single capital in the sense that it does not have any moving part. Consequently, it is not prone with use and the tear, which is the primary reason that any tangible asset with the moving parts requires maintenance and, finally, the replacement. Theoretically, the life of an application of software is eternal, with it not needing any maintenance of the whole provided that the platform of material on which it functions either maintained and or in work condition.

The software can be improved with the needs changing for businesses of costume, almost without limits. There are many examples of this phenomenon. Take the case of the software of central processing unit of IBM writes in the 1970s-it runs always well in new mill�nium. I.e., this software is approximately 40 years, and there seems to be each reason that he will run during 40 more years. The technique of �fenestration,� employed in much conversion of Y2K, thus indicates. Fenestration is when any figure with two digits larger than 50 of a date (i.e., 50 99) is interpreted like pertaining to the 20th century, and any figure with two digits less than 50 of a date (i.e., 00 49) is interpreted like pertaining to the 21st century. For example, if the data contain �49� in a date (as in date 12/30/49), then the year of this date is interpreted as a 1949 (or 12/30/1949). Wanting God, there will be another amount of date conversion of software into the year 2049 to make it in conformity with one year to four digits.

It is to say only doesn of software 'need for T no maintenance of the whole. In the best of the cases, the maintenance of the software should be based on the commercial environment changing, and should be carried out to handle the needs changed for businesses, not differently.

The recent tendency of the demand for building of company in a way completely Web-power station is, in our opinion, beyond reasonable need. There are a place for the software Web-exchange, and a place for the waiter of customer and the software of central processing unit. The industry of software seems to be head in fall above the heels in its pressure of software based on the WEB, and she forgets all other technologies, much of which robust, are blocked, and much more economic.

Criteria to choose a platform to run of the applications of software

To be criteria for the selection punt--that, a combination of hardware, software system, and a development punt--to run an application of software to achieve the needs for businesses and the compromise treatment.

1. Stability of software

Provided that the original platform remains under the same condition, it can provide that the application software will continue not to function without any exit. This was proven the central processing units, where the application software had functioned during approximately 40 years with regular maintenance, and was in the case of improved to supply only with the businesses changeantes needs.

But the software was to change, moving central processing units in smaller computers and GCV (GCV). One never expected that GCV in the beginning were considered as personal computers, and play the significant part which they play in the businesses today.

The Internet added a new dimension to the scenario of software while bringing the capacity to connect computers everywhere in the world at a very accessible cost. However, by certain sides the cost was completely high: viruses of software were discharged in the World Wide Web in order to cause a certain kind of damage to the GCV. Now, when GCV are connected to the Internet, they are in the constant danger to succumb to new classes of malware, spyware, and worms. Sadly, their operating softwares are not equipped to handle these external and annoying threats, and we must install the additional software to protect our capital of computer against these predatory virtual.

With the difference of with central processing units, the execution of the GCV is unforeseeable in terms of unknown actions of malware and the software which is supposed to protect the PC against the malware. A new virus or spyware is released, and consequently, a levelling with a software or a spyware-solvent of antivirus is released. Or, perhaps a correction of safety is made available. All these difficulties are applied to the PC, and to the next thing which the blows is to you that application software, which functioned up to now without fault, turns in an error.

In short, reliability of software is affected, not because the software was developed badly, but because of the external incidents whose neither lotissor nor the user has any order. Worse always, the error cannot be detected until a furious customer bitterly complains about the idiot error which him because a loss or a disturbance.

In the case of the software based on the WEB, you cannot buy a product with Juste a disposable payment; you must start a maintenance contract of the software, inevitably, even if your conditions of businesses do not change, to be protected against an external event from for which you are not even remotely responsible. The current tendency in the evaluation based on the WEB of software is the movement towards annual authorize-no longer is the sale a simple and precise transaction.

With the software of waiter of customer, you can maintain the software system in its original state as long as it is maintained of insulation in the Internet. With central processing units, you are already protected from the malware due to their design from hardware and software from the gigantic-classified operating system.

From this point of view, it is better outward journey for a waiter of central processing unit or customer - software based that a software based on the WEB.

2. Stability of user interface

The software based on the WEB navigator-is primarily based. A series of navigators exist: IE Netscape, Mozilla, and operated, to call ones, each one having its own unit of preserving members. The navigator in a software based on the WEB dictates the user interface (UI), and the various navigators can handle the UI differently. Sometimes, the UI can work with some navigators and not with others. A device common to all the navigators is their vulnerability to attack malware. Consequently, the navigators enumerated above are promoted and without interruption connected. These actions have an impact on the software based on the WEB: each time a navigator is connected or promoted, the needs for software change.

The software of waiter of customer, on the one hand, does not depend on the external applications such as navigators. If a virus the attack, you must simply clean the virus far or reinstall the software of customer. Mainfames, naturally, are immunized against the malware, because no virus was written up to now which can attack them.

3. Maintenance of the software

A functioning software should not need maintenance, because it does not test the effects of the physical use and the tear. If, and only if, there is a change of the conditions of businesses, then yes, the improvement of software or the correction can be necessary, not differently.

The software based on the WEB needs maintenance independently of its platform of 'stability of S. You must maintain and to improve your software all the times that a) your navigator is connected, b) your navigator are promoted, c) the average line of third is improved, d) your of the operating system is connected, or E) unquestionable new and powerful virus is released. It is particularly true when the multitiered application; it is impossible to thus know which line causes the exit, the application software is what is improved.

In addition to the costs of maintenance of application software, the software based on the WEB needs maintenance for the additional components of software of protection which it requires. Thus, the software based on the WEB costs you not only more at the beginning, but it also costs you additional expenses in maintenance during operation. Nowadays, the organizations of antivirus release from the levellings of weekly magazine to their definitions of virus, which will prove that new viruses are released by the Internet daily.

The software of waiter of central processing unit and customer continue to function as long as the platform remains the same one. The external events do not influence their needs for maintenance of the software, and the levelling of a navigator does not carry out them. No intergiciel of third is necessary; they do not require for a third line of software to run their applications or if a new virus is released.

4. Initial installation

The real costs of the initial installation of the software based on the WEB become only obvious once it is discovered it that the software cannot be applied directly out of the box. The immediately commercial software available (of CAMPBEDS) can almost never not be employed as is, and it almost always needs personalization while applying the system baseds on the WEB. Personalization on the spot is the standard rather than the exception in the case of the system baseds on the WEB, and this often puts on jack to the top the cost.

The vulnerability of the software based on the WEB makes him the requirement which you add of the components to the implements external-and the most likely threaten-events. The examples of such components include the software of antivirus, walls fire resistant, systems of detection of intruder, tools for figuring of data, security systems, and so on. Moreover, these annual contracts of maintenance of the protective need for software, and sometimes the levellings to avoid external threats come to the additional costs.

The replacement cost of software of software based on the WEB must also be factorized inside, because one never knows when the current standards of the software are revised; this only in the case of occurs the software based on the WEB.

That it is enough to say that it is cheaper to have multiple examples of software of waiter of customer with the synchronized databases than an example of software based on the WEB. Of what 's more, the protective components enumerated above are not had need with platforms for waiter or central processing unit for customer.

5. Safety

In a waiter of customer or an environment of central processing unit, the threats for safety come from the internal sources, not of the external sources. In other words, the threats emanate from the known and controllable causes. In a system based on the WEB, it is unknown from where a potential intruder is; for all which we know, it can be in a remote country, where we do not have any influence or recourse for justice. Because we reinforce security tools, are thus the intruders improving their trade. Thus, it is a constant race between the programmers of software and the intruders.

Caught in the interval business-pays the price, literally and figurative.

6. Uninterrupted operations

A system based on the WEB can be stopped for a series of reasons: a) an interruption with the service of Internet, b) an attack of virus, c) a failure in the material or the management software of network, d) a lately released correction of software which has affected a certain part of the software, E) a malfunction in one of the lines, or F) an intruder infiltrated the system. In other words, the system can be reduced by the external events which are apart from the range of our order.

Systems of waiter of central processing unit and customer cannot be reduced by external events.

Some words of finale

To be right, we must admit some of the more positive facts on today the 'Internet of S. the Internet the 'speed of appreciably increased S.A., so much so that any withdrawal period has very safe missing. The cost of access of Internet is descended appreciably. The robustness of the average lines improved remarkably. Moreover, the majority of the countries laid down rules and rules on the access of Internet, and cooperate the ones with the others as regards notching.

The Internet facilitates operations of corporation, and became a very convenient manner to continue business-no argument about it. The software based on the WEB is a need for the interaction with the public. Some of the applications which cannot function without (or which we cannot live outwards) system based on the WEB include reservations of hotel, travels, information, the sale of the consumer goods, form-filling, public list of interfaces suit it on. The system baseds on the WEB arrived, and they are indeed here to remain.

However, we must carefully evaluate the scenario of businesses and consider if the connectivity of Internet is really necessary for the software of company. No business should blindly conclude it must have a system based on the WEB. Where one is not necessary, a system of waiter of customer or central processing unit is the better and surer choice.

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