Based on the practices learned by its work with retailers such as the best purchase and Tesco, the updated product of Eqos makes it possible retailers approvisonnement to control the process of initial goods, concept and the design through according to the specifications of product, the management and the evaluation of offer, the costs unloaded evaluation, packing, sampling, test, and the final confirmation of order.
Accomodated by Eqos (, the solution includes the management of critical path, management of course of operation, bringing back the analytics, and the alarm-and-exceptions function. Suitable information, including images of product, can be written in a principal deposit, which reduces duplication and the errors, and provides a simple sight of the provisioning drain-accessible to the internal users or external approvals. The solution, which also allows the monitoring of the suppliers of a conformity of quality and a prospect for risk management, continuously improved its intuitiveness. It now allows all the levels originators, technicians, and purchasers, like the personnel of supplier, to detect the process of approvisonnement easily.
Another principal opening for Eqos came mid-2006, when Edgars consolidated limited stores (Edcon), the independent group with the detail in South Africa for clothing, shoes, and the textiles, chose the supplier 'the comprehensive solution of approvisonnement of S to improve collaboration of supplier, to support the expansion of its chain of provisioning to the detail, more quickly to provide the latest fashions to the consumers, and to amplify the profitability result. The solution was since application by a common team of Eqos and Accenture working narrowly with the traders of Edcon.
Functioning in Johannesburg as a store of Edgars since 1929, Edcon offers today ten marks to the detail: Edgars (clothing, shoes, crockery of kitchen, textiles of household, and articles of household of offer), jet (clothing and shoes), C NR has (books, paper mill, and music), red place (beauty products), Boardmans (articles of household, textiles of household, and crockery of kitchen), play (young women 'mode of S), shoes of jet (shoes), temptations (use intimates), Prato (shoes), and JetMart (general goods such as clothing, the crockery of kitchen, the music, articles (DIY) of do-it-yourself, electric small apparatuses, textiles of household, health products and of beauty, and the paper mill). Grouped in the stores of Edcon and divisions of discount, the categories multiple of cover above of marks in all the 1.000 approximate stores located through South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Souaziland, and Lesotho.
Eqos today
Consequently, Eqos currently supports some of the world 'retailers of S of principal by accomodating their 15.000 close users (who include retailers, agents, suppliers, and other business partners) in more than 55 countries. Eqos is a professionally controlled and increasing organization of approximately 70 employees, and the supplier was uniformly advantageous, with the quarter above the growth quad. It recently tested the physical expansion, opening offices in Boston, Massachusetts (US) at the beginning of 2006, and in HongKong, China at the beginning of 2007. This last investment announced the company the �engagement of S to more fully approve of the customers � operations of approvisonnement in Asia.
Eqos 'expansion total of S comes while more retailers establish offices of approvisonnement and reinforce relationship with strategic agents and suppliers in the whole of Asia. The company the 'office of S HongKong provides to retailers and their business partners the tangerine, the Chinese, and the support of English through many time zones and areas geographical. Eqos supports more than 4.000 users only in China. On a total basis, the company controls more than 5.000 transactions per day and 100.000 openings of user per month, supporting of this fact the management of almost 38 billion dollars (USD) of stocktaking value annually.
The most recent victory of customer of the USA took place in April 2007; retailer H.E. Butt Grocery Company (H-E-B) selected solutions of businesses of Eqos 'of S to support and increase its total operations of management of approvisonnement and supplier, as well as to increase his offers of mark of distributor by improving the collaboration and the visibility of chain of provisioning. H-E-B opened its first store in 1905 in Kerrville, Texas (US), and is today one of the nation 'retailers independently had of S of largest, serving a broad range of the customers. With more than 300 stores Texas and in Mexico, the chain of supermarkets gains incomes above 12 billion dollars (USD). Now based in San Antonio, Texas, H-E-B employs more than 60.000 associated and serves as the million with customers in more than 150 communities. Known as the innovator, complaints retailer to have uniformly exceeded his competitors by offering the products differentiated and the services by a series from formats.
Another tendency which played a main role in Eqos 'success of S is that the retailers put pursuant to more in addition to the strategies of mark of distributor to help to raise their incomes. As paid in the promise (and of complexities) of the marks of distributor (and given the periodic topic of mark of distributor up to now in this article), there is clearly an increasing tendency among the retailers towards offering (or detailing it the 's to have) the private labels and marks. Consequently, a fundamental revaluation of the structure of approvisonnement total occurred; the companies reconsider now if they need agents or other intermediaries of the whole, since more and more, the companies can now work directly with manufacturers via the commercial exchanges of Internet. Given a certain success brought back with marks house at low price, the retailers in several segments, including the fast consumer goods (FMCG), consumer electronics, and clothing, increase their hearth on the goods of mark of distributor (which are typically imported) to benefit from the improvements of margin, the uniformity improved of quality, and the fidelity of mark.
For example, the best purchase of retailer realized that it could not compete with the tastes of Sony and Panasonic in the equipment of electronics, the apparatuses, and of the computers at end high and best quality because of these two marks 'faithful user bases. However, the best purchase also realized that a no such fidelity of customer exists for the additional articles. Consequently, the retailer provided his own product line competitivement have the price indicated of cable, as well as of other peripherals, such as the external orders, USB puts in communication, of the keyboards, etc the retailer also found a market of place receptive to the television sets of mark of distributor and consumer electronics, the points of the prices of bottom and of half span.
Eqos 'current mission of S permitted by a platform directed towards the services of architecture
Eqos 'mission current of S is to become the leading vendor of the comprehensive solutions of management of approvisonnement and supplier for the world chain of provisioning to the detail, authorizing approvisonnement and the executives and the clerks of supply to improve the time of arrival at the market, the value of customer of increase, to improve of the margins, to decrease by the operating costs, and to measure businesses of mark of distributor. In other words, the idea is to make it possible customers to increase their scale of control of their total bases of provisioning, leading the competitive advantage and supporting of this fact the innovation of collaboration of product and supplier. It must be carried out by simplification, standardizing, and by measuring the processes related to approvisonnement of the mark of distributor sell through the whole network of supplier, while working in collaboration with suppliers. Scale of these processes of the concept of initial product through to the production and the delivery with the retailer 'in the host centres of distribution of S (and in certain cases, the after-sales phases).
In addition to the software and support, offers of Eqos accomodating the support, the management of the community of user, and the services of management of uses. These offers come from Eqos of �recognition of S which with time, of the companies invested in technology to support their businesses and process of chain of provisioning. The desire of the companies to protect their investments must be balanced with the agility and the speed which the market requires. This means that the lately acquired possibilities must supplement to exist IT environments in a way in which integrates without seam information and of the processes through old man and new systems. The idea (if not a requirement) is to increase retailers business applications of chain of provisioning of planning (� ERP) and of entrepreneurial resource of legacy (SCM) to establish the processes turned towards the future of cross-company which encourage collaboration between the retailers and their suppliers, offices of purchase, and other business partners.
Logically, approvisonnement and orders of request total of the management of report/ratio of supplier (SRM) of the processes of company and close cooperation with the suppliers (who can have the systems or the levels very different from IT appraises). Thus, the management of the chain of provisioning to the detail wide and various requires a simple approach with the management of course of operation and projects which is supported by collaboration with the whole of the network.
The platform of collaboration of Eqos is established on orientated architecture towards services (SOA) given the proximity of the concepts peer-to-peer (P2P) and SOA, and supports the whole continuation of solution of Eqos with a flexible architecture which can adapt to the requirements in full change for businesses and IT arranges in park. The application addresses the approvisonnement total one, management of life cycle of the product, and the businesses of management of supplier run. They rationalize not only integration with business partners, but also handle internal integration using Extensible Markup Language (XML) flexible - Waiters based.
At the beginning of 2006, Eqos announced the launching of its new release of platform, platforms 7 of Eqos, which was mainly architectural release with the three principal following fields of the advanced development:
1. A movement of technology to technologies of Microsoft.NET and database 2005 of waiter of Microsoft SQL to provide a better execution. The realizers of solution can employ these well-known and widespread technologies to prolong the possibilities of core of the solution of Eqos.
2. Other improvements of execution by a more flexible diagram of data. This new approach satisfied the customer requirements who more deeply includes the solutions of collaboration in their business and increases the traffic by them, by providing an easier navigation and a personalization of the data and reports/ratios. For this purpose, the platform 'release of S the last one improved appreciably evolutionarity and reduced requirements with respect to material of support of two-third, leaving more convergent data and users to control that always front.
3. Improvements which simplify further the creator from application of collaboration the 'experiment from S, making these requests much more productive. Such improvements include a richer user interface of Web (UI), the management improved of password, and the faster data capture. On a technical level, the customers since could define, adapt to the customer requirements, and control their Web pages and configuration of Web UI, simplifying of this fact the configuration, maintenance, and the expansion of the Web sites of application. Moreover, the improved options and more flexible devices of installation and configuration make it possible customers to adapt the application to answer their requirements changeantes.
The application is accessible to other programs by employing the power and the flexibility of integration via the services of Web (see arrangement SOA, the services of Web, the BPM, the BPEL, and more). XML is employed for projection definitions of the data and process with the services of Web, the systems of legacy, and the databases, or any other system of third. Still, this brings to us to the important capacity existing applications of admission of the funds of third (i.e., a sight and the extraction of the data of several disparate systems of source), like management systems of order, management systems of warehouse (WMSs), Masters of article, Masters of supplier, etc, and to incorporate them on a simple screen, of this fact traditional integration �hardware-coded� of minimization costs.
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