For the management of chain of provisioning (SCM) to being effective, an integrated system of the planning of entrepreneurial resource (ERP) is essential. Using the ERP a system depends on many factors design which make the system easier (or sometimes harder) to learn and employ. The book recently published controlling your chain of provisioning using the AXE of dynamics of Microsoft describes the factors of design related to use the AXE of dynamics of Microsoft. It is the second part of an article covering the factors of design related to the use of system in the distribution and manufacture.
Use of system in environments of manufacture
The environments of manufacture transform materials bought into saleable articles. In addition to the factors mentioned above for environments of distribution [see AXE 4.0 of dynamics of Microsoft for environments of distribution and manufacture], the principal factors forming the use of system include the definition of the structure of product for the products standard and made on order, of the variations in the strategy of production, of the project-directed operations, the operations directed towards the services, and of the thin practices as regards manufacture.
The definition of the structure of product for the principal invoices of standard products and the principal routes define the product and the design of process, and are assigned with the suitable manufactured articles. A manufactured article can have multiple versions of invoice and/or advance. The various versions can apply to the quantity being manufactured. Each invoice and main cable route, and each assigned version, require of an approval to support the following use in planning, the calculation of the costs and the orders.
Nomenclatures information. Each component defines an article, a required quantity, a type composing and any other information such as the warehouse of source, the factors of reject, the dates of effectiveness and the corresponding number of operation. The composing type indicates if a manufactured component is make-with-actions, make-with-order or a phantom, and if a bought component is buy-with-actions or buy-with-order. The originator of BOM provides a graphic tool for the maintenance of invoice. The article 'the policy components of automatic-deduction of S determines if consumption automatic-is deduced or manually published. A negative component quantity indicates a component of by-product. The component the 's required the quantity can also be based on a formula of computation which uses information of measurement on the component and its article of relative. A manufactured component can on option specify a version of invoice and/or the version of advance which should be employed to produce the component.
The information of advance. Each operation of advance defines the number of operation, the center of work (or groups it of center of work), the conditions in time and any other information such as a percentage of fall and a description of operation. Each operation also specifies a principal mark of operation which can on option provide default values. The operation of advance inherits information. indicated of center of work such as the categories of cost, the policies of automatic-deduction, and it. alternate of the information of center of work which can be exceeded. The categories of cost and the separate policies of automatic-deduction apply the time of installation, the execution time, and the units of output.
Each center of work belongs to a group of center of work, and has a calendar of the working times. It can be indicated as having the capacity finished or infinite to program goals. For the block of establishment of the program, a center of work the 'calendar of S can indicate blocks of working time with a relative property, so that similar operations are programmed together to reduce times of installation to the minimum.
Order-Dependent Bill and advance. An order of production has a separate order-dependent invoice and a advance which reflect at the beginning the invoice and the advance principal assigned, and the user can manually maintain this information.
Box: Logic of Scheduling based on the information of advance
An order of production can be programmed using the logic of establishment of the program forwards or behind, with the calculation of a variable production time based on its information of advance. The supports of system several have advanced techniques of establishment of the program based on the information of advance. For example, the logic of establishment of the program can assign a specific center of work in a group of center of work or assign a center of alternative work to shorten the production time of production. The additional factors considered by programming logic include the following.
* Finished capacity
* Finished materials and the linkage of the components to the numbers of operation
* Block programming (based on properties) to reduce times of installation to the minimum
* Primary resources and secondaries necessary for an operation
* Conditions of size of crew
* The quantity of production determines which version of invoice and advance to be used
* Effectiveness of center of work and percentage of loading
* Cumulative percentages of fall in a multi-step advance
* Parallel and periodic operations
* Overlapping of operation
* Time-elements during time of passage and before or after withdrawal periods
* Remaining hour for the installation and the time execution
* The synchronization of the orders of reference dependent on an order of production
Technical changes envisaged envisaged technical changes in an article with the 'nomenclatures of S can be identified using three different approaches: effectiveness of date for a component, principal invoices assigned (versions of invoice), and the specific version of invoice for a manufactured component. Technical changes envisaged in an article with the 'advance of S can be identified using two approaches: effectiveness of date for the assigned principal routes (versions of advance), and the specific version of routing for a manufactured component. With an approach of effectiveness of date, the specific date on an order of production determines which version of advance, version of invoice, and components will be employed as bases for conditions.
Definition of structure of product for the products made on order supports of system two additional approaches to handle the manufacture made on order of products: choice of option for a configurable article, and a configurator based on the rules of product for an article model-licence.
Choice of option for a configurable article. The user defines his structure of product via a dialogue of choice of option. The principal invoice defines an invoice of the options for a configurable article, being composed of the common and optional components. The main cable route defines common operations of advance. The product made on order can reflect a structure of product to multilevel, with the choice of option of the articles on each level and direct the linkage between the orders of production.
The configurator based on the rules of product for a modeling allowed the article. The user defines his structure of product via a dialogue of user defined in a model of product. After execution of the dialogue of user, the model of product produces the new ones automatically invoices and advance principal, and assigns these marks with the sale order of origin or the order of production. It also assigns these marks with the article model-licence, or a number of article of recent creation. The selling price can reflect a calculation of profit cost-more-margin profit based on components and operations, or a calculation of the prices in the model of product which reflects answers in the dialogue of user. The product made on order can reflect a structure of product to multilevel, with the direct linkage between the orders of production.
The calculation of the costs and a selling price of a manufactured function of calculation of the article has BOM employs the information of invoice and advance to calculate the costs, the selling price, and the weight net for a manufactured article.
* Calculations of cost for the bought material components can be based on each article 'cost of inventory of S or its information of trade agreement of purchase price. Calculations amortize fixed costs above the size of fate of accountancy for the manufactured articles.
* The calculation of the selling prices reflects an approach of profit cost-more-margin profit using the percentages of benefit assigned with the bought material components and the operations of advance.
The strategy of production of make-with-actions of the strategy of production has means that article 'order of production of S is indirectly related to the requests via the expiries. A strategy of production of make-with-order reflects the direct linkage, where the end-item 'the order of production of S is related to the line article of sale order. A strategy of production of make-with-order can also apply to the article 'with the components built by S.I.e., a type composing of production means that the system automatically produced order of production directly related to the relative 'with the order of production of Of the same S., a component type of supplier for a bought article means that the system automatically produced buying order directly related to the relative 'with the order of production of S. the filling of the stored components can be based on forecasts of logic or purchase of point of order, and actions of safety can be employed to protect envisaged variations of one ask envisaged.
The coordinated activities of manufacture envisaging of calculations synchronize production activities to satisfy requests, and provide the coordination via the orders envisaged and of the suggested action messages. The production schedules and the analysis of load by the center of work also act as tools for coordination by leading data was defined.
Orders envisaged of production. The orders envisaged of production reflect warehouse-specific data of planning for an article, the article 'invoice of S and information of advance, and previously described to program logic. The user can create orders of production of the orders envisaged chosen, or use a barrier of compressing of time so that the system automatically produces orders of production for an article.
Suggested action messages. Calculations of planning produce of two types of suggested action messages named of the actions and future, as described earlier.
The production schedules and analyzes of load by the center of work. The production schedule and the analysis of load represent same information, and provide the coordination to each center of work.
Activities of manufacture of report several types of activity of production can be paid against orders of production. These activities include started quantities, the component use, and receipts of relative. The activities also include the report of the achievements of time and of unit of operation by leading data exists. the Automatic-deduction can apply to the components and the operations materials of advance.
The thin practices as regards manufacture the supports of system lean the manufacturers with the automatic-deduction of the material and the resources, the disordered report of the achievements of production, the daily production rates which reflect the use projected or historical, and the establishment of the program constraint-based of the cells of production. The promises of delivery also reflect the rate of daily manufacture.
The operations Project-directed by Project-Directed operations comprise to save and detect effective costs related on the material, the capacity, and the expenditure, and to handle the project invoicing on a base of time-and-material or a basis of fixed-price. Calculations of planning can include the project-specific forecasts for the material and the capacity, as well as the project-specific sale orders.
The orders directed towards the services of service of operations provide to coordination of the service of field and the internal personnel of service, and with the narrow integration of the projects. Each order of service defines the requireme resource for the material, work and expenditure which is used as a basis for the estimated costs. Materials can also be identified for forwarding with the customer. The history of repair can be recorded against the nomenclatures for articles being maintained. The detailed informations can also be recorded about the symptom-diagnosis-resolution of the problems of repair. The real consumption of resource leads the explaining project invoicing goals. The agreements of service define conditions of resource for periodic services, and constitute the base automatically to create the orders of service to ensure the services.
Integration with other applications
Integration with other applications includes the e-business, the CRM and accountancy.
Integration with constructions of e-business of e-business on the normal design of a system of ERP since it provides the electronic communication of the basic transactions. The AXE of dynamics provides the integrated functionality of e-business in several manners, including transactions of Biztalk and a gate of company. The gate of company accelerates the deployment using an approach role-based, such as roles for customers, suppliers and employees. The role of customer, for example, supports the self-service of customer so that the customers can place from the orders and even configure the products made on order. Other roles support of information retrieval and charge the execution by the remote users, such as tasks of sales to create new quotations, sale orders and customers.
Integration with the management of report/ratio of customer (CRM) the capacity to control reports/ratios of customer is entirely integrated with the functionality standardized for the management of chain of provisioning. For example, the activities of CRM can lead to the sales of the quotations and the sale orders. A campaign can be associated with a project so that all the costs can be detected by the project.
Integration with applications of accountancy the integrated applications of accountancy include sums to be poured, sums to be received, the book, and the fixed immobilization.
Final remarks
When the revision or the study of any software package of ERP, it is important to include/understand its fundamental philosophies of design and how it is aimed towards various environments of manufacture and distribution. It is easy to obtain embourb� in the details. Some of the principal factors of design which differentiate the AXE from dynamics of Microsoft were recapitulated above. These factors of design influence how the adjustments of system to run together of the businesses, particularly the principal processes of businesses which comprise a total arrangement for activities of management of chain of provisioning in manufacture and the distribution.
It is the part two of an article in two parts reprinted to control your chain of provisioning using the AXE of dynamics of Microsoft. The part covered with the factors of design related to the environments of distribution.
Use of system in environments of manufacture
The environments of manufacture transform materials bought into saleable articles. In addition to the factors mentioned above for environments of distribution [see AXE 4.0 of dynamics of Microsoft for environments of distribution and manufacture], the principal factors forming the use of system include the definition of the structure of product for the products standard and made on order, of the variations in the strategy of production, of the project-directed operations, the operations directed towards the services, and of the thin practices as regards manufacture.
The definition of the structure of product for the principal invoices of standard products and the principal routes define the product and the design of process, and are assigned with the suitable manufactured articles. A manufactured article can have multiple versions of invoice and/or advance. The various versions can apply to the quantity being manufactured. Each invoice and main cable route, and each assigned version, require of an approval to support the following use in planning, the calculation of the costs and the orders.
Nomenclatures information. Each component defines an article, a required quantity, a type composing and any other information such as the warehouse of source, the factors of reject, the dates of effectiveness and the corresponding number of operation. The composing type indicates if a manufactured component is make-with-actions, make-with-order or a phantom, and if a bought component is buy-with-actions or buy-with-order. The originator of BOM provides a graphic tool for the maintenance of invoice. The article 'the policy components of automatic-deduction of S determines if consumption automatic-is deduced or manually published. A negative component quantity indicates a component of by-product. The component the 's required the quantity can also be based on a formula of computation which uses information of measurement on the component and its article of relative. A manufactured component can on option specify a version of invoice and/or the version of advance which should be employed to produce the component.
The information of advance. Each operation of advance defines the number of operation, the center of work (or groups it of center of work), the conditions in time and any other information such as a percentage of fall and a description of operation. Each operation also specifies a principal mark of operation which can on option provide default values. The operation of advance inherits information. indicated of center of work such as the categories of cost, the policies of automatic-deduction, and it. alternate of the information of center of work which can be exceeded. The categories of cost and the separate policies of automatic-deduction apply the time of installation, the execution time, and the units of output.
Each center of work belongs to a group of center of work, and has a calendar of the working times. It can be indicated as having the capacity finished or infinite to program goals. For the block of establishment of the program, a center of work the 'calendar of S can indicate blocks of working time with a relative property, so that similar operations are programmed together to reduce times of installation to the minimum.
Order-Dependent Bill and advance. An order of production has a separate order-dependent invoice and a advance which reflect at the beginning the invoice and the advance principal assigned, and the user can manually maintain this information.
Box: Logic of Scheduling based on the information of advance
An order of production can be programmed using the logic of establishment of the program forwards or behind, with the calculation of a variable production time based on its information of advance. The supports of system several have advanced techniques of establishment of the program based on the information of advance. For example, the logic of establishment of the program can assign a specific center of work in a group of center of work or assign a center of alternative work to shorten the production time of production. The additional factors considered by programming logic include the following.
* Finished capacity
* Finished materials and the linkage of the components to the numbers of operation
* Block programming (based on properties) to reduce times of installation to the minimum
* Primary resources and secondaries necessary for an operation
* Conditions of size of crew
* The quantity of production determines which version of invoice and advance to be used
* Effectiveness of center of work and percentage of loading
* Cumulative percentages of fall in a multi-step advance
* Parallel and periodic operations
* Overlapping of operation
* Time-elements during time of passage and before or after withdrawal periods
* Remaining hour for the installation and the time execution
* The synchronization of the orders of reference dependent on an order of production
Technical changes envisaged envisaged technical changes in an article with the 'nomenclatures of S can be identified using three different approaches: effectiveness of date for a component, principal invoices assigned (versions of invoice), and the specific version of invoice for a manufactured component. Technical changes envisaged in an article with the 'advance of S can be identified using two approaches: effectiveness of date for the assigned principal routes (versions of advance), and the specific version of routing for a manufactured component. With an approach of effectiveness of date, the specific date on an order of production determines which version of advance, version of invoice, and components will be employed as bases for conditions.
Definition of structure of product for the products made on order supports of system two additional approaches to handle the manufacture made on order of products: choice of option for a configurable article, and a configurator based on the rules of product for an article model-licence.
Choice of option for a configurable article. The user defines his structure of product via a dialogue of choice of option. The principal invoice defines an invoice of the options for a configurable article, being composed of the common and optional components. The main cable route defines common operations of advance. The product made on order can reflect a structure of product to multilevel, with the choice of option of the articles on each level and direct the linkage between the orders of production.
The configurator based on the rules of product for a modeling allowed the article. The user defines his structure of product via a dialogue of user defined in a model of product. After execution of the dialogue of user, the model of product produces the new ones automatically invoices and advance principal, and assigns these marks with the sale order of origin or the order of production. It also assigns these marks with the article model-licence, or a number of article of recent creation. The selling price can reflect a calculation of profit cost-more-margin profit based on components and operations, or a calculation of the prices in the model of product which reflects answers in the dialogue of user. The product made on order can reflect a structure of product to multilevel, with the direct linkage between the orders of production.
The calculation of the costs and a selling price of a manufactured function of calculation of the article has BOM employs the information of invoice and advance to calculate the costs, the selling price, and the weight net for a manufactured article.
* Calculations of cost for the bought material components can be based on each article 'cost of inventory of S or its information of trade agreement of purchase price. Calculations amortize fixed costs above the size of fate of accountancy for the manufactured articles.
* The calculation of the selling prices reflects an approach of profit cost-more-margin profit using the percentages of benefit assigned with the bought material components and the operations of advance.
The strategy of production of make-with-actions of the strategy of production has means that article 'order of production of S is indirectly related to the requests via the expiries. A strategy of production of make-with-order reflects the direct linkage, where the end-item 'the order of production of S is related to the line article of sale order. A strategy of production of make-with-order can also apply to the article 'with the components built by S.I.e., a type composing of production means that the system automatically produced order of production directly related to the relative 'with the order of production of Of the same S., a component type of supplier for a bought article means that the system automatically produced buying order directly related to the relative 'with the order of production of S. the filling of the stored components can be based on forecasts of logic or purchase of point of order, and actions of safety can be employed to protect envisaged variations of one ask envisaged.
The coordinated activities of manufacture envisaging of calculations synchronize production activities to satisfy requests, and provide the coordination via the orders envisaged and of the suggested action messages. The production schedules and the analysis of load by the center of work also act as tools for coordination by leading data was defined.
Orders envisaged of production. The orders envisaged of production reflect warehouse-specific data of planning for an article, the article 'invoice of S and information of advance, and previously described to program logic. The user can create orders of production of the orders envisaged chosen, or use a barrier of compressing of time so that the system automatically produces orders of production for an article.
Suggested action messages. Calculations of planning produce of two types of suggested action messages named of the actions and future, as described earlier.
The production schedules and analyzes of load by the center of work. The production schedule and the analysis of load represent same information, and provide the coordination to each center of work.
Activities of manufacture of report several types of activity of production can be paid against orders of production. These activities include started quantities, the component use, and receipts of relative. The activities also include the report of the achievements of time and of unit of operation by leading data exists. the Automatic-deduction can apply to the components and the operations materials of advance.
The thin practices as regards manufacture the supports of system lean the manufacturers with the automatic-deduction of the material and the resources, the disordered report of the achievements of production, the daily production rates which reflect the use projected or historical, and the establishment of the program constraint-based of the cells of production. The promises of delivery also reflect the rate of daily manufacture.
The operations Project-directed by Project-Directed operations comprise to save and detect effective costs related on the material, the capacity, and the expenditure, and to handle the project invoicing on a base of time-and-material or a basis of fixed-price. Calculations of planning can include the project-specific forecasts for the material and the capacity, as well as the project-specific sale orders.
The orders directed towards the services of service of operations provide to coordination of the service of field and the internal personnel of service, and with the narrow integration of the projects. Each order of service defines the requireme resource for the material, work and expenditure which is used as a basis for the estimated costs. Materials can also be identified for forwarding with the customer. The history of repair can be recorded against the nomenclatures for articles being maintained. The detailed informations can also be recorded about the symptom-diagnosis-resolution of the problems of repair. The real consumption of resource leads the explaining project invoicing goals. The agreements of service define conditions of resource for periodic services, and constitute the base automatically to create the orders of service to ensure the services.
Integration with other applications
Integration with other applications includes the e-business, the CRM and accountancy.
Integration with constructions of e-business of e-business on the normal design of a system of ERP since it provides the electronic communication of the basic transactions. The AXE of dynamics provides the integrated functionality of e-business in several manners, including transactions of Biztalk and a gate of company. The gate of company accelerates the deployment using an approach role-based, such as roles for customers, suppliers and employees. The role of customer, for example, supports the self-service of customer so that the customers can place from the orders and even configure the products made on order. Other roles support of information retrieval and charge the execution by the remote users, such as tasks of sales to create new quotations, sale orders and customers.
Integration with the management of report/ratio of customer (CRM) the capacity to control reports/ratios of customer is entirely integrated with the functionality standardized for the management of chain of provisioning. For example, the activities of CRM can lead to the sales of the quotations and the sale orders. A campaign can be associated with a project so that all the costs can be detected by the project.
Integration with applications of accountancy the integrated applications of accountancy include sums to be poured, sums to be received, the book, and the fixed immobilization.
Final remarks
When the revision or the study of any software package of ERP, it is important to include/understand its fundamental philosophies of design and how it is aimed towards various environments of manufacture and distribution. It is easy to obtain embourb� in the details. Some of the principal factors of design which differentiate the AXE from dynamics of Microsoft were recapitulated above. These factors of design influence how the adjustments of system to run together of the businesses, particularly the principal processes of businesses which comprise a total arrangement for activities of management of chain of provisioning in manufacture and the distribution.
It is the part two of an article in two parts reprinted to control your chain of provisioning using the AXE of dynamics of Microsoft. The part covered with the factors of design related to the environments of distribution.
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